MISSION of TAM is to:

​Promote, preserve, and support all genres of music created and performed by African Americans;

Provide a forum for musicians to share related problems and current trends in music education;

Establish a personal code of ethics and personal standards among musicians;

Develop a love and appreciation of traditional and contemporary music;

Encourage and assist in the cultivation of musical gifts among talented, deserving African American youth;

Create wider opportunities for artists and musicians by providing mentoring services and scholarships to deserving African American youth, and 

Elevate the status of musicians in the community.


To assist in maintaining a world in which all people may live in peace and harmony.

To develop world-wide love and appreciation of traditional and contemporary Negro music.

To foster a larger public appreciation for education in good music as preparation for the advent of real Negro genius.

To encourage the use of Negro Folk Themes as a basis for compositions.

To resist the desecration of Negro spirituals.

To develop higher professional standards through lectures, conferences and conventions.

To promote the exchange of ideas and a spirit of fellowship among musicians.

To discover, encourage, and assist the cultivation of musical gifts among talented, deserving Negro youth through such activities as will extend the influence of music as a necessary and inspiring element in the life of the people.

To establish and maintain a fund for scholarships. ​

The Tidewater Area Musicians, Inc. Branch is affiliated with the National Association of Negro Musicians, Inc. (NANM). TAM is dedicated to upholding NANM, an organization supported by people of cultural ideals and music groups of high standards, all of whom care deeply for the fine art of music and for musical culture throughout the country to lend their support and influence to one of the most powerful forces for spiritual and cultural development.

TAM is a 501 (C) (3) non-profit organization. Donations are tax-deductible.